Vincent Related David Hills: Sad News


VOC Vice President
VOC Member
Such sad, and bad, news. Dave has been a tremendous asset to the club for so many years (just consider his series D list to replace the missing factory record).

Also a good friend, for example many years ago I was down close to his home working on a GPS microchip design. On the way 100 mile trip to the office PUB's dynamo stopped working, but I had to go on as it was final sign-off day. Come evening it was done, and dark. I managed to get to his place, unannounced, and just waited. I got the kind of welcome you all know I would, and somewhere for the night until daylight.

Furthermore it is due to one of his stands that I am still managing to ride PUB, backstands and kicking it whilst holding it up are beyond me now, so thanks Dave.

RIP Dave, we will miss you.

ray vinmad

VOC Drawings Manager
VOC Member
So many nice things have been said about Dave in these posts and it is hard to imagine anyone having anything negative to say about him.
He was someone you were always glad to bump into for a chat.
When Dave was involved with the drawings committee, he always started the meetings with a joke and we knew we were off to a good start to our day.
His enthusiasm for everything and everyone involved with Vincents will be appreciated by everyone who knew him.

Josh Smith

A very kind and genuine man who showed so much enthusiasm for all things Vincent and VOC. One of the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at Hever Rallies (and other Club events) over the past 18 years, always one to start a conversation. Centre stands are his legacy for years to come. R.I.P. Dave.


Graham Smith

Sally and I always, without fail, used to receive one of Dave’s unique Christmas cards.

Someone tells me that they’ve collected all of them, so it seems appropriate to publish one or two every year to remember Dave for years to come at Christmas.