
Ian Watson

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VOC Member
Hello, Today I had a most wonderful ride to a 50's Fair.. all the rage. That is, until late afternoon in fading light, a car driver stopped beside me at lights saying "you're very lucky.. I didn't see you. But for an oncoming car I'd have wiped you(and my bride) out !" Silly, I know, but I've been riding without the battery being charged-hence brake light only. I'm told the magneto is dead. ie it is no more. So ,could you please confirm there is one type only (Black Shadow-6 volt) I am to purchase from BT-H.
Thanks and have a great day.


Well Known and Active Forum User
VOC Member
Hi Ian

If the engine was still running the magneto hasn't failed. A replacement mag will not cure a lack of lights.
If the brake light still worked the battery was not flat and should have been able to supply power to the rear lamp. I'd be looking for a failed connection between the battery and the front of the bike. Does the horn still work?
If you fit LED rear/brake and pilot lamp bulbs the battery will light them for hours!
If your charging system has failed, rather than a connection having broken, you need to discover whether you need to replace just the regulator or the generator.

Good luck with it.

Ian Watson

Active Forum User
VOC Member
Ha! Hopefully I've brightened your day. This must be what unkind people call a "senior moment". I do of course mean a generator (regulator?). I'm ignorant, but not completely.

Ian Watson

Active Forum User
VOC Member
Thanks. Horn and rear brake work. Do you happen to know where I can purchase LED bulbs ? I will need to give the bike to an expert to determine generator or regulator.Btw,5amp fuses keep blowing. 10amp fuse ok ?


Well Known and Active Forum User
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VOC Forum Moderator
Dear Ian,
It sounds as if your bike needs a comprehensive service in the electrical and wiring department. You should check all your connections and look out for wires that may have chafed through their insulation. If you are "electrically challenged" see if there is someone local to you in the VOC who can help, advise or point you towards a trustworthy motor cycle dealer.
If the engine starts and runs fine you don't need a new magneto although Tony at BT-H will sell you one if you insist. He is more likely to tell you "if it 'aint broke don't fix it." (BT-H is closed for a holiday from [FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]27th August - 7th September[/FONT].)

Thanks. Horn and rear brake work. Do you happen to know where I can purchase LED bulbs ? I will need to give the bike to an expert to determine generator or regulator.Btw,5amp fuses keep blowing. 10amp fuse ok ?


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Non-VOC Member
I can highly recommend the LED tail lamps...very bright and consume very little electricity..I'm greedy so I fitted and Alton at the same time.

Ian Watson

Active Forum User
VOC Member
Thank you to each of you. Most helpful. I've orded LEDs and will simply put the battery on a trickle charge when garaged, rather than fitting a generator. I'm told I have 4/5 hours charge so I just need to ride with lights on without worrying about conserving. It's just amazing how much GO this bike has, all things considered.


Well Known and Active Forum User
VOC Member
Do you have laws that require your headlight on during the day? When I had dynamo problems, I wired the parking light bulb as the low beam and counted on blaming "those old Lucas electrics" if asked why it was so dim. A closer inspection would have revealed that the dynamo was missing.