Supporting Vincent competitors


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I have heard that someone is soliciting funds to campaign a Vincent at Bonneville. From what information I can find, there are conflicting accounts of the details of this effort. Whether or not deception is involved, I don't know, but it appears that the goal of the effort is of questionable merit.

Regardless, for those that are considering supporting this effort, please pause and reflect for a moment where your monetary support might be best served. There are many true competitors that before entering into their chosen endeavor they first calculate the cost to complete it, and yet they make the dedication to give their sacrifice of time and livelihood towards the lofty goal of keeping the Vincent marque in the records books.

Please consider directing your support to the true competitors that participate in sanctioned events, Dave Matson, Steve Hamel, John Renwick, Max Lambky, Mal Hewett, Terry Prince, David Dunfey, the Kinghams, Kurt Carlson and any others that put forth legitimate efforts in a true competitive environment with Vincent powered machines.
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