48 Rapide #


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# F10AB/1/670 model date series s 3frame UFM 2660 RFM 2660

This 48 rapide is now on ebay however the engine and frame # are 1990 difference I thought genuine was 1900 can anybody advise.

Stephen OS3473


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VOC Member
What is a "whiskey dent tank unrestored,"? Many unrestored tanks have the gold leaf striping.

The Series A pic in the bunch looked interesting, it has Gaynor-style painted Sports blades.


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VOC Member
Coming back to the original question.
I always understood that there difference between engine number and frame number was 1900.
This bike has a difference of 1990.
Is this correct?


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David Bowen
on previous post today said "for engine number 670 2660 is correct" , Hence my reply when did the numbers change from 1990 to 1900 and reply from David was 1451 I assume this was from Engine # 1451 but David would need to confirm this.​


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VOC Member
A friend bought a bike with engine number 357 recently and the frames were 1990 different. I have seen a few variations in the early bikes and it is not only 1990 or 1900 difference. By the way, 357 would have been one of the last 1947 machines as it arrived in Australia on Dec. 31st 1947 after leaving the works on Dec. 3rd. It was considerably cheaper than the one on e-bay but was missing the original guards.